Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Many pool owners try to avoid or put off the cleaning of the filter grids and cartridges.  A DE filter should be cleaned every 6 months.  Your pool will stay cleaner, circulate better, and be healthier if the filter grids are clean.  Plus this is what manufactures recommend for general maintenance.  A cartridge filter should be cleaned every 3 to 4 months.  A sand filter has a much longer life span and sand can go several years before the sand has to be switched out.

Texas Oasis Pool Service & Repair
9720 Coit Rd. Ste 220146
Plano, TX 75025
Fax: 214-407-8044

Don't forget your cyanuric acid.  Especially now that the weather is warmer, we have to make sure our pools have a good level of stabilizer, conditioner, or cyanuric acid...and yes, 3 names...all the same thing.  Why is cyanuric acid helpful?  It protects the chlorine in your pool from being destroyed by the sunlight.  If you are having trouble keeping up the chlorine level in your pool, a lack of cyanuric acid could be the problem. 

Texas Oasis Pool Service & Repair
9720 Coit Rd. Ste 220146
Plano, TX 75025
Fax: 214-407-8044

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A lesson in Algae, tis the season!
With warm...okay lets face it, HOT weather approaching the Dallas area, it's time to think about algae.
While there are 21,000 known kinds of algae only 3 categories grow in pools and spas but these three categories include 40 to 50 specific kinds of algae.
The three categories include Cyanophyta - blue green algae that looks black, Chlorophyta - green algae that looks green and Phaeophyta - brown algae that looks yellow and is commonly referred to a "mustard algae."
Algae is a type of plant and needs a food source and light to survive.  Algae will produce food through photosynthesis as long as there is light.
The negatives of algae in the pool environment are that it's slippery, harbors harmful organisms (even though it won't make you sick on it's own, it's the bacteria that it harbors that can), causing cloudy water is unsafe if you could not see a child at the bottom of the pool, raises pH of water, creates a high demand for chlorine, and makes water look very uninviting.
Chlorine is the best way to kill algae is to poison it and the most common way to do that in a pool and spa is with chlorine.  Keeping a pool circulation, filtering, brushed, vacuumed, and with balanced chemistry should keep it free of algae.  It's very important especially here in the Dallas area to run the pool long enough each day, we recommend a good 9 hours per day in the summer and try to cover the hottest part of the day like maybe 9 or 10 am until 6 pm. 
Then keep in mind that many changes in the pool environment can cause a need for shocking, or rebalancing chemistry to ensure that algae does not grow.  This may be extra swimmers (a pool party), fertilizing the lawn, mowing the lawn, new landscaping, windstorms, heavy rains, mud slides, painting the house, construction, brush fires, or changes in chemicals being used in the pool.  Some of these items will introduce the phosphates that the algae will feed on and start to grow.  As a pool service company we ask that clients notify us of changes like these or if they are having a big pool party so that we can make sure the chemical balance is able to handle the changes and is reregulated.
Once the pool has algae a process needs to be followed to get the pool back in shape.  This usually involves several days of removing debris, a good shock treatment, brushing, vacuuming, and testing until the chemistry is perfected and the pool is clear. (See green pools)

Texas Oasis Pool Service & Repair
9720 Coit Rd. Ste 220146
Plano, TX 75025
Fax: 214-407-8044

How do I backwash my DE Filter?
People are often confused about backwashing, when to do it and how to do it.  Your weekly pool service should be taking care of this as needed however, if you are taking care of your own pool you do need to backwash occasionally and when the pressure rises.  Keep in mind that if the pressure rises and backwashing does not bring the pressure down to within 8 points of the clean reading it may be time for a filter cleaning.
To backwash the vertical DE Filter with a backwash valve:
  1. Shut down the pump.
  2. Move the backwash valve to the "backwash" position.
  3. Start the pump back up.
  4. When the dicharge water is flowing clear, clean water shut the pump off and wait 30 seconds. 
  5. Repeat step 3 and start the pump again until you see clear water then shut off the pump and return the valve to "normal" filtering position.
  6. If your filter has a seperation tank (see below), clean it at this time.
  7. Start the pump and add the proper amount of DE to the skimmers to recoat the filter grids.
Some filters with backwash valves have seperation tanks to capture the old DE backwashed from the filter.  This saves water and actually filters the clean water back to the pool, so the old DE needs to be cleaned out of the seperation tank after a backwashing.
To clean the seperation tank:
  1. Turn off the pump.
  2. Open the air relief valve on the seperation tank.
  3. Open the tank lid after loosening the clamp.
  4. Take out the tank bag and empty the old DE into the trash and hose down the bag.
  5. Replace the bag and lid, lubricate the tank o-ring (never use petroleum-based product, use Teflon or similar) then replace the clamp and close the air relief valve.
  6. Start the pump.

Texas Oasis Pool Service & Repair
9720 Coit Rd. Ste 220146
Plano, TX 75025
Fax: 214-407-8044

What do I look for in a pool service and repair company?
Number one is customer service! Lately I've had several clients with real needs call me and say "Thank you for answering the phone, I've called 6 companies and no one calls me back."  Why is this so common in our industry?  Do Dallas area pool companies know that the country is in a recession?  I'm not sure they do, I honestly believe that some lived high on the hog building pools and servicing them not realizing that when house prices dipped, people would stop building pools.  But guess what existing pools must be serviced, and with all the choices out there service is number one.  If someone leaves you on hold, doesn't answer on a Saturday, or just throws out a number over the phone with no questions asked, do you really want that company servicing your pool...NO!
Look for a consistent schedule - this industry has plenty of people as I like to say "just working for beer money" you don't want that guy, he'll show up when he feels like it then when he decides your pool is out of his way or he's bored he'll just stop coming, I've  heard it many times.  A pool company should be able to say this is your day, this is your approximate time, it may change occasionally but until we notify you we will be there every week at the set time and you will get a note showing we were there.
Marked vehicles - Your pool company should have a magnet on the truck at the very least, identifying to your neighbors who is walking into your backyard.
Background checks - One of the most common things I hear from pool owners looking for a new service is that their last company started out good but then they hired "this guy" and he didn't know what he was doing.  All companies have to hire as they grow but there is a proper way to ensure training and consistency. Your pool company should also be documenting everything they do to your pool at every visit.
Preventative maintenance is key - So you have a pool tech who knows nothing about repairs...fine he is just there to clean your pool technically.  However, every pool tech should at least know how to recognize needed repairs and report them back to the office for client approval.  
Should support do-it-yourself pool owners - While we love our full service clients some of my favorite clients are not full service clients at all.  It's your pool and trust me you want a pool company who honors the fact that it is YOUR pool.  If you are a do-it-yourself kind of family or individual you still may need a repair company that you can count on when you need help.  We have plenty of clients who just give us a call for a filter cleaning, plumbing leak, lighting change, vacation cleanings, anything they need help with. 
Bottom line - We're simply in the customer service business.  As a personal choice in our service we don't ask anyone to sign a contract, we earn that persons business every month.  There are plenty of pool owners in the Dallas market and plenty of pool service companies.  Find a relationship that works for you and then be loyal to that company as long as they are treating the way you want to be treated.  Also have respect for their business and the fact that they have to make a living as well as provide a beneficial service.  Trust me you and your pool appreciate consistency when it comes to pool maintenance!
Save money - Well cared for pools cost less over time.  One bad clean up job from letting a pool turn into a swamp can cost hundreds of dollars, while typical, consistent pool service month to month leaves a pool owner free to do worry about other things.
Can you mow a lawn? - In our Dallas market just about everyone has a lawn service.  Yet many people attempt to clean and maintain their own pools.  Some of you do a great job with your pools, but think about this.  For $25 to $45 per week you can have your lawn mowed.  That's $125 to $225 per month, the lawn guy uses about 1/4 cup of gas and a lawn mower that will last him thousands of lawns while spending sometimes less that 10 minutes at your house.  For approximately $35 to $37 per week your pool company is doing major physical labor, using very expensive tools, adding expensive chemicals, and keeping an eye on and maintaining one of the biggest investments you will ever make in your home.  An experienced pool tech also has more pool cleanings under his belt in one week than the typical pool owner will have in a year.  Hum...yet for a cost less than lawn care in most cases.  Also we only charge for 4 weeks every month even if you receive 5 visits, quite a value really!  Just food for thought.   
Texas Oasis Pool Service & Repair
9720 Coit Rd. Ste 220146
Plano, TX 75025
Fax: 214-407-8044